There’s Mulch Too Mulch To Know About Mulch
Fabulous Fall Mowing: Our First Ever Blog

It’s not easy to imagine that there’s a lot to learn about mulch – after all, most people see it as a lovely lawn addition that helps with healthy plant growth, and that’s it. However, there is much more to applying mulch than you may realize.

Mulch helps with the aesthetics of your landscape and home, but there’s more to it than looks. There is a science as to how much should be applied, what type to use, and, most importantly, how it makes your landscape a healthier environment.

The Top Five Reasons Why Mulch Is Important:

Improves the health of your soil

The soil is the base from which all your plant life grows, so keeping it healthy is crucial to its longevity and beauty. As organic mulch breaks down, it returns some nutrients to the soil that can help growth, and the by-products from insects within it also return to the soil to enrich it.

Protects your landscape from weeds

Flowers and other native plant species can make a beautiful statement on your lawn – but, unfortunately, weeds can ruin that image and spread like wildfire. Enough mulch at the base will suffocate the seeds and discourage growth before it begins.

Improves the curb appeal of your propertyFresh black mulch around tree and walkway in Henrico, VA

One easy way to make a statement with your landscape is to have a contrast that draws people’s eyes and provides dimension to that view. Different mulch colors, like red, brown, or black, can change how your plants stand out and the overall look of your property.

Protects against extreme temperatures

Your plants aren’t completely safe on their own, whether you live somewhere hot, cold, humid, snowy, or in-between. The mulch keeps the base of the plant and roots cool during the heat of summer and warm during the cold of winter, so they don’t perish.

Conserves water and moisture in your soilBrown mulch on flower bed around back patio in Henrico, VA

Mulch acts as a wonderful filter for any water that makes its way through, letting it seep into the soil more gradually and evenly. In addition, it helps retain water within the soil, so the plants have access to it if they get too thirsty between watering.

Main three coms to be weary of when having mulch installed:

Some bugs are attracted to it

Some bugs prefer to be somewhere that’s dark, damp, and cool – mulch is a prime location that fits these characteristics. However, slugs, earwigs, cutworms, and other bugs can make their way in and nestle down, so it’s essential not to spread mulch up to the base of the plant itself.

If you’re concerned about invasive pests, vigilance is the key to ensuring your lawn doesn’t become overrun. You can also talk to a local lawn professional to see your options for pest control and minimizing damage.

Avoid areas you want new good growth to happen

As we’ve talked about before, mulch does a wonderful job keeping things like seeds of invasive species and weeds from growing. However, be cautious where you place your mulch – if there are plants you want to grow, the mulch can hinder or stop that the same way it does to weeds.

It’s fairly easy to avoid this issue, as you have total control over your lawn and where the mulch is placed. Avoid putting it where there are newly planted seeds and plan to put new seeds down in areas that aren’t surrounded by the existing mulch.

The soil takes longer to dry after heavy rains

Rainwater is a fantastic natural resource that keeps your lawn alive; too much rain can oversaturate the soil. If the soil is extra soggy, mulch can trap that excess moisture, causing the ground to be soggy longer – which should be supervised to avoid damage.

There is a fine line between enough water and too much for your soil to handle in a reasonable time. If the rains are heavy enough, it can pay off to remove the mulch for a day or two, allowing the water to evaporate, then placing the mulch back into its spot.

The pros are ready to help you get startedBrown mulch around flowers and plants beside backyard pool in Henrico, VA

If you already have mulch on your property, you’ve been through the installation process. It should be a certain depth and placed around the greenery without smothering it; it doesn’t last forever and needs to be replaced every so often to ensure it does its job correctly.

If you don’t have mulch on your property, there’s a lot to learn about the installation and what to expect. That’s where we come in: Mitchell’s Lawn Care Service knows what they’re doing and is ready to start making your landscape a prettier, healthier place!