Why We Do Talk About Seasonal Cleanups in the Spring
Even when Winter was relatively mild and inconsistent, it’s nice to say it’s behind us now. Though some dips in temperature aren’t out of the question, it’s safe to say we are fully into Spring. And with Spring comes new landscaping installations and maintenance!

Though mowing and flower bed installations are getting most of the attention this time of year, you may be jumping the gun if you haven’t done your seasonal cleanup yet. For many readers, that phrase automatically elicits an image of leaf cleanup, which is, of course, a Fall cleanup task. But there are plenty of vital Spring Cleanup tasks in Short Pump too.

Here’s why we talk about yard cleanup more than once a year!

Fall Has Leaves, But So Does Spring

Although we live on the East Coast’s unofficial fall foliage belt, and Autumn is the time we most associate with seasonal cleanup, it’s not the only season we need. Yard cleanup is a regular part of landscape maintenance since your plants shed like a dog in summer. But every season brings additional changes to your plants that need addressing, none more so than the transition from Winter to Spring.

Winter Can Be Harsh

It won’t surprise you that Winter isn’t easy on your plants. Your lawn goes dormant, and few, if anything, within your yard remain green. And while you expect the colder months to do some damage, you won’t know how much until the Spring returns and your plants begin growing again.

Wheelbarrow of plant debris during landscape cleanup

Plant Debris

We mentioned how plants constantly shed as they grow. That produces plenty of leaves and petals that litter the lawn. But Winter produces some additional plant debris.

Even though your plants don’t actively grow in the colder months, the Winter winds shake plenty of plant life from the trees, including branches. In addition, when it snows, and ice collects in tree branches, it can lead to cracking.

Lawn Damage

Winter can be even harder on your lawn. All that plant debris has to land somewhere! And anything lying on top of your grass is a detriment to it.

Plant debris blocks sunlight, nutrients, and water from reaching your grass and other plants.

Further, any water that does get below leaves lying on top of your grass can get trapped there. That trapped moisture can cause snow mold, which will kill your grass.
All this is on top of the cold that your lawn is already struggling with!

Plant Death

Finally, the Winter causes much plant death, expected and otherwise. Annuals meet the end of their lifecycle, while some unlucky perennials succumb to the cold. Other plants survive but lose large parts.

Seasonal Cleanup In the Spring

So what sort of seasonal cleanup does Mitchell’s do in the Spring? In short, Spring cleanup is the process of undoing all of Winter’s damage and removing anything that doesn’t belong.

Here is a quick breakdown.

Debris Collection

Before we can do anything else, we’ll need to clean up everything that doesn’t belong. Just like spring cleaning inside, Spring cleanup outside starts with decluttering. So we’ll collect all your unwanted plant debris so your grass and flowers can thrive in their new Spring climate.

shovel, rake, and gloves on the ground during landscape cleanup

Lawn and Flower Bed Maintenance

We’ll then do a health check for your lawn and gardens. We’ll remove anything that died and replace it with something new at your direction. Your grass may need some extra lawn care, and if so, we’ll discuss it.

It’s also the time for new installations. So we’ll fill your mulch back in while we clean out your old gardens and make your replacements.


Finally, it’s time to take care of everything still alive! Your shrubs need plenty of trimming and pruning this time of year. Pruning will make them look better and help them be healthier.

When we prune away our shrubs’ dead or sick parts, the plant’s energy can focus on growing. We work similarly with your flowers. In fact, deadheading, a regular piece of flower bed maintenance, is another word for pruning off the spent blossom from your flowers.

Yard Cleanup for A Great Spring and Summer

It’s hard to believe it’s already May, but here we are! So if you haven’t scheduled your Spring cleanup yet, don’t wait any longer.

Mitchell’s has the expertise and experience to do your professional seasonal cleanup right! It takes a lot of time and attention to detail, but you’ll have a prettier, healthier property when we’re done.