Tips on Choosing the Right Type of Mulch for Your Needs

All mulch isn’t created equal, but we can help you find the types of mulches that suit your soil.

Make the best mulch choice in Glen Allen, VA, and nearby areas with Mitchell’s Lawn Care Service on your side.

Gloved hands cupping a generous amount of red mulch
If you have flower or landscape beds that don’t seem to suit your property, you may have a mulch problem. While mulch can improve the quality of your lawn, the wrong type can do more harm than good. That’s why you should rely on a professional yard consultant to help you choose the best mulching material.

Here, we’ve gathered some of the top mulch-choosing tips for Virginia properties. Learn how you can help your garden stay vibrant and healthy year-round, hassle-free. You can also call Mitchell’s Lawn Care Service to do the work on your property in and around Glen Allen, VA.

Why Mulch May Be Right for Your Yard

Mulch has many practical benefits for a garden or landscape besides adding to the yard design. It helps specific lawn areas retain moisture in the soil and prevent it from drying out under the sun. It can also act as insulation, reducing soil temperatures in the summer and increasing it during winter weather.

Many types of mulch have vitamins and minerals that slowly dissipate into and improve the soil quality. Plants in these mulched areas then have more nutrients and water to absorb, helping them bloom and flourish during their budding season.

The mulch also helps prevent weed growth by reducing the space weeds can propagate and blocking sunlight. We recommend using a thick layer of about two to four inches, leaving enough space for desired plants to receive oxygen.

Different Mulching Choices in Virginia

The most common types of mulch often separate into two categories:

Inorganic mulch: This type of mulch comes from stone, sand, or manmade materials. They work best for controlling weed growth and decorating the environment. This mulch can include gravel, shredded rubber, or synthetic bark chips.

Organic mulch: This mulch comes from natural materials that eventually break down and add nutrients to the soil. This type may not last as long as inorganic mulch, but you can also use it decoratively. Compost, shredded leaves, and pine straw are some of the many types of organic mulch types.

Many yards in northern to midland Virginia use organic materials instead of inorganic due to the additional nutrient benefits. Of the organic mulches, shredded hardwood and wood chip mulch currently dominate the market. They can blend easily with most lawns and degrade slowly over time, releasing the minerals into the soil.

Wood chip mulch degrades faster than shredded hardwood for faster mineral deposits. If you want something that lasts longer, try straw, which adds a splash of bright yellow to your lawn. However, compost, straw, and grass clippings tend to work better for vegetable gardens than presentation flower beds.

Some yards use medium to large-sized stones and pumice, especially on more decorative beds with less weeding needs. Pumice can also prove useful in some areas with more rainfall due to its ability to hold water. This trait helps keep your plants from drowning during especially wet weather.

Colorful spring flowers planted with a reddish, brown mulch

The Best Times of Year to Mulch

You should check on your mulch every spring and fall to get the best results to help you get a better idea of your lawn’s condition and what it needs for the coming season. You can also allow the team at Mitchell’s Lawn Care Service to check your yard while you complete other tasks.

We recommend spring checks to ensure the mulch hasn’t gotten too thin. Excessively thin mulch layers may allow weeds to grow and won’t insulate the roots from the sun’s heat well.

For first-time mulching, order a delivery from a bulk supplier instead of going to a nearby garden center. You can spend less time and energy since bulk bags cost less, and the delivery brings it to your yard.

Check the mulch again in late fall to ensure it’s between one to four inches thick. The thickness of your mulch layer should depend on the plants you have in your mulch bed. Too thin and it will not insulate against the cold, but too thick and your plants may suffocate.

Our Mulching Experts Are Ready to Help

Mitchell’s Lawn Care Service’s expert landscapers can help you find the best mulch and amount for your lawn. We help residents in Glen Allen, VA, and the surrounding areas find their perfect lawn addition. For a free estimate and consultation on your mulching needs, call (804) 406-4340 today!